Saturday, November 06, 2004

charting a course through archived email

so first i noticed that my last post was at 6:58 and i seemed to remember having written an important email once entitled, "6:58 and counting". so i searched through my archived emails and ended up looking at every message i'd sent my ex-girlfriend during the year that we lived together. on every occassion, it was either a few brief words to plan a dinner or a movie or a show, or it was tons of words trying to work our way out of a fight, or it was one of us trying to apologize for letting the other down by missing a date or going away for a weekend or just not giving the other person what they were looking for that week. so if over time it was so bad, why do i remember it as being so wonderful?


Blogger none said...

i did that recently. although i've already purged most of the email. i relived my banging-my-head-against-the-wall feeling. a weird mixture of 'good riddance' and 'oh woe is me'.

1:54 PM  
Blogger John said...

You're thinking of "Box Full of Letters" by Wilco, perhaps? It was on "A.M."

8:44 PM  

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