Friday, December 17, 2004

early morning political musings

a friend just showed me what must have been bush's inspiration for that "those wmds must be somewhere!" joke: reagan's own standup comedy routine.

this has resulted in the following jumble of words spilling from my brain:

compare conscious thought (rationalizations, intellectualizations, facts along linear paths of causality) with unconscious influences on your actions (less verbal or explicit motivations, emotions, primal desires, etc).

then look at america and it's political system. each president FEELS like conscious thought, ie he gives reasons for what he does (germany is a threat, korea is a threat, vietnam is in the pocket of china, iraq has wmds, these tax cuts will help, etc). but in reality, being a part of a country that has so much POWER in the world really just makes it an addiction scenario where it's like "what will the unconscious mind do with your body if it's addicted to this drug?" but instead its "what will politicians do with our government if they're addicted to this POWER?" america has an unconscious mind that drives its interactions with the rest of the world. and it's not rational or compassionate in the least. it's the biggest most hungry monster birthed since the roman empire.


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