Friday, April 29, 2005


for the past year i've been telling myself i need 4 things to keep me happy:

good food
good science
good sex
good skiing

san francisco has been very good to me.
i eat mind bogglingly good sushi at least twice, usually three times a week.
the lab that i just started working in has me dreaming about hippocampal slices. it could very well be the one that i will choose to do my thesis work for the next six years or so.
this new girl in my life continues to amaze me. good sex of course is a metaphor for a great number of things, not the least of which is, literally, good sex.
i had such a great time skiing in tahoe this season that i bought some new skis and a seasons pass to northstar for next year.

and i got back into running 2-3 times a week, after a two month long hiatus, because i actually am running bay to breakers in two weeks.

i guess good conversation is important to me too, but i lump that in with sex and food. so you could say it's the 5 "s"es: sushi science sex skiing socializing.

now all i need is the sixth s: sleep.

a pleasure to pass on this blog

i fucked ann coulter in the ass, hard

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

google maps craigslist hybrid

unfathomably useful.