Monday, January 17, 2005

my ex: guest blogging from the proverbial prison cell

meanwhile, my ex is the person that i made myself the most vulnerable to in my life in order to test my crazy hypothesis that the most beauty comes from connections between people, and thus i experienced the deepest festering sore possible as well. her little golden nugget of expression for me today was: "things aren't as deep or as complex as you want them to be." a few weeks ago, and for about five years before that, hearing that would have led me into a painful thought loop along these lines: "fuck! did i just see complexity and profundity because i wanted to see it? does expectation drive perception so strongly that there is no objective reality outside of my own biased emotional view of the world? will i ever be able to trust my emotions again? yadda yadda yadda." but you know what? this time i just look at it and laugh a little. sad that she doesn't feel how real the world is. hope she finds solace in her superficial bubble. hope i am able to construct a superficial bubble that supports me as i plunge along further in my vulnerable journey into a harsh real objective world of bubble poppers in search of another bubble-popper-stopper! jesus, has this blogalation turned me into dr. seuss? !


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