ongoing themes
for today:
my girl barbara boxer sticks it to the man, er woman. text or video.
and if it doesn't end up being condi vs. hilary in 2008, it will be obama vs. schwarzennegar. here's this trippy-ass website cataloging dreams people have had about the governator: arnold dreams database.
and as much as the pentagon tried to deny the iran conspiracy, i would suggest that condi's testimony to the committee on foreign relations (where she coins a broader replacement phrase for "axis of evil", "outposts of tyranny"), cheney's recent comments, and bush's inaugural address point in few directions other than the global democracy initiative 2006 (aka drop bombs fucking everywhere and herald the apocalypse) starting with iran.
update 1-23-05:
holy shit! someone totally took boxer appreciation to the next level! boxer for president! condi vs. boxer 2008 baby!
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